Join us on August 28th for our

We are so looking forward to breaking ground on Making Home at 97 Victoria!  

Join us on August 28 at 4:00 pm for our official ground-breaking ceremony as we launch into the construction phase of our Making Home project.

 97 Victoria will be converted into 44 new supported living units and expanded community supports, set within a campus model of healthcare and mental health supports, daily meal service, access to employment services and a shared courtyard. St. John’s Kitchen will find a new home in a new courtyard context and will continue to be a gathering place providing nutritious meals, access to health services, harm reduction supplies, laundry, showers, washrooms community connections and problem-solving supports.

 Many people have come together to make this project possible.  Perimeter Development will co-host our ground-breaking  celebration as we gather the government, corporate and community donors, plus the design and construction partners.  Construction starts in September.

If you are able to attend, please RSVP to by Monday August 21st.

We hope to see you there!


Good Work News - December 2023


Responding On the Ground